Holistic Empowerment: Zambia’s Ray of Hope

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Published: 12 July 2017


It’s an exciting second day of impact Ndola 2017 as the Northrise University students and Baylor medical students continue to positively influence the Mapalo community through their amazing talents and skills. The children of Mapalo community school were involved in sports, art, crafts and Bible stories. The Baylor nursing undergraduate students were on site conducting basic physical screening of the children.

The children at Mapalo had the opportunity to get health checkups such as ears, nose, skin, and throat infections including vital functions of the heart and lungs which they generally wouldn’t be able to readily access due to scarcity of health services. In addition, the Baylor students also taught the children at Mapalo about basic hygiene such as the importance of washing hands and keeping wounds clean.

Kai Reeder (Northrise University Initiative Scholarship Administrator and Impact Ndola 2017 VBS lead for Mapalo) and Ethel Zulu’s (2nd year Northrise Student) team taught the Children at Mapalo the Lord’s Prayer and its meaning. The children were very keen and excited to learn the prayer. Though mistakes were made, it was not an exception for them. After learning about the Lord’s Prayer, the team taught the children about salvation, and some of them later decided to give their lives to Jesus Christ, which was amazing.

The children made books out of plain paper according to Fredrick one of the pupils as he said “I am excited to learn new things especially that I felt it was impossible for me to make my own books.” With a smile on his face he decorated the books and said he couldn’t wait to teach his siblings about it. Prudence Nalwimba one of the Northrise students said she was excited to play with the children as she also learned from them, and she was very happy with the warm welcome they had given to them.

Mrs. Grace Chiluba a teacher at Mapalo community school was amazed as she learned new games and drawing. She said she was very thankful that these activities have helped enrich her skills in children practice teaching. You could see in their eyes that the Children were having so much fun with their new friends creating amazing things as they gathered their materials trying to create what they perceive in their minds, like the saying goes, “Children are the most creative beings, free from fear and anxiety.”

“ This experience is really eye opening it brings me great joy to see the children smile and to see the work of God here in Zambia.” Corynn slanina, Fourth year Baylor Nursing Student.



“This is a new experience for me, it a great experience to be with the children. They are amazing.” Ntanzi sinkala, Third year Northrise BFA Student.




“Ningufwa bwino ukumona abeni abeshile” translated as “I am happy to see the visitors that are here today.” Debora Kunda, Grade One pupil at Mapalo.



“It was a good thing to share the love of Jesus with the  children. Watching them give their lives to Christ was a great experience.” Ethel Zulu, Second year Northrise Student.




“Impact Ndola 2017 has made the community of Mapalo realize that they are as important as any other human being on earth. VBS has made the children of Mapalo know that God loves them and that they should continue looking to him for success and blessings. The medical team from Baylor has brought a positive impact on the lives of the children and has taught them how to stay healthy and how to look after themselves.” Pastor Emil Mukuka, Founder Of Mapalo.


“I have learnt the word of God and I have learnt about the bible, I have learnt about the story of Joseph, and its amazing that I have learnt the Lord’s Prayer.” Justin Kamwendo, Pupil at Mapalo.



Written by Kelvin Chipepo, Mando Ngosa, Kedwin Silole, Sally Malunga, Joseph Lusumpa, Chazya Sinkamba, Madalitso Kalombe and Asifiwe Banda.


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