Guys vs Girls: 1000 Ways to Decide!

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Published: 4 March 2011


A few weeks ago, Dr. Zimba posed a challenge to the guys side of the Northrise dorm: to complete a 1000 piece puzzle in a week’s time. Read their story here.  Excited about the guys success, Dr. Zimba took the puzzle to the girls side of the dorm with the same challenge, with an added twist!  If the Northrise ladies could beat the guys, they would recieve 6 Northrise chickens as their reward!  With the burning fire of competition, and a desire to put the guys to shame, the ladies went to work!  Rumor has it, the ladies did not sleep until they managed to finish the puzzle, in only 28 hours!  Mathmatically speaking, the ladies had to add 35 correct pieces an hour to complete all 1000 pieces in that amount of time!  Not much room for error.  The ladies of the Northrise dorms finished at 3am screaming “In-your-face guys!”

Congratulations to the Northrise ladies at the boarding house!


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