Partnership Update

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Published: 18 May 2020

Partnership Development

Written by Ian Cosh, NUI Partnership Consultant

Update, May 2020: We are pleased to report that our 7 students at Baylor, Dordt, and Grand Canyon universities are doing quite well in their studies. Those students living in the US, attending class in Texas and Iowa, are managing the campus closures and pandemic response measures well. Ian Cosh, among other Northrise friends who live nearby, check in regularly to ensure their health, physically, mentally, and spiritually. The Northrise family cares well for our students wherever they are. Furthermore, our online students are continuing to advance in their programs despite the mounting pressures. We are proud of these students and the investment they are making for the future of Northrise and their community!

Grand Canyon University

This fall was a productive time for partnership development as we took advantage of Moffat and Doreen’s visit to strengthen our connections. On November 1, Moffat, Doreen, Jeff, and Ian met with President Brian Mueller of Grand Canyon University to explore ways to strengthen this important partnership. We have three students studying for their graduate degrees at the moment. GCU has provided scholarships for two doctoral students and a discount for one master’s degree student. In addition, technical work is being undertaken to provide Northrise University with access to proprietary plagiarism software for use by Northrise professors. This software will enable professors at Northrise to increase their ability to detect plagiarism and heighten academic integrity. Furthermore, three faculty training modules have been selected by Northrise University administration that were made available online in February 2020. We appreciate the support given by President Mueller and his senior staff in going the extra mile to assist in the critical task of supporting faculty development at Northrise University.

LeTourneau University and Dordt University Connection

On November 4, 2019, Rex Horne and Ian Cosh travelled to Longview, Texas to visit LeTourneau University to meet with Alan Clipperton, John Tixier, and Gitogo Churu and hear an update on their summer visit to Northrise and their ongoing efforts to strengthen and enhance engineering opportunities in Zambia. LeTourneau’s emphasis on producing engineers with practical exposure is one of their hallmarks. They continue to be involved in engineering curriculum development with an emphasis on introducing civil engineering followed by mechanical engineering to the list of offerings by Northrise University. When the two engineering students currently attending Dordt graduate in May 2021 they will attend LeTourneau to pursue master’s degrees in engineering.

Baylor School of Nursing

On November 13, Moffat, Doreen, and Ian visited with Baylor School of Nursing leaders. Moffat and Doreen were able to provide an update on the many aspects of growth occurring at Northrise and to answer questions about recent developments. Discussions included the possibility of Doctor of Nursing Practice students working on doctoral projects under the aegis of Northrise University. Such an arrangement would involve drafting a MOU that defines the relationship between the Government, Northrise, and Baylor. Dr. Lori Spies was planning to offer a one-day workshop in June, 2020 by way of nurse education during an annual summer nursing trip to Northrise, but this has had to be postponed because of the COVID-19 situation. The relationship between the Baylor School of Nursing and Northrise University continues to provide mutually appreciated support and engagement.

Northrise Students Study Abroad

Three students–Bruce Mukaba at Baylor, Luther Mukanga & Julius Mwale at Dordt–were able to return home for the Christmas holidays due to the generosity of donors. We have seven Northrise employees currently undertaking their studies; three online via Grand Canyon University, one studying sociology at Baylor University and three studying engineering and agriculture at Dordt University.


Your Northrise story begins with your application, and we can help with the rest.