Note: Please choose a payment plan with your sponsor and consider penalties carefully.


Northrise University offers three (3) payment plans to give students alternative ways to pay for tuition fees. Take advantage of these and more tuition and financial options to create a financial plan that provides convenient ways to pay for your tuition, other fees, and educational expenses. To avoid discontinuation from courses, please plan ahead of time so that by the payment due date - based on the Payment Plan chosen (see below) - your tuition fees will have already been paid. Contact the Accounts Office at for more details.


Three Payment plans are available:

Undergraduate Programs

  1. Full Payment Plan (FPP)

     16/20 Week Semester

  • First Payment Due at Course Registration - 100% of total tuition invoice plus mandatory fees.
  1. Half Course Payment Plan (HCPP)

     16/20 Week Semester Format Only

  • First Payment Due at Course Registration - 50% of total tuition invoice plus mandatory fees.
  • Final Payment – 50% of tuition invoice due in Week 7 (Monday) of the Semester.
  1. Prorated Payment Plan (PPP)

     16/20 Week Semester Format Only

  • First Payment Due at Course Registration – 34% of total tuition invoice plus mandatory fees.
  • The second Payment of 33% of the total tuition invoice is due in Week 5 (Monday) of the Semester.
  • Final Payment of 33% of total tuition invoice is due Week 10 (Monday) of the Semester.

Post-Graduate Programs (Block Format)

Students will register for three (3) blocks at the beginning of each registration period (Academic Semester) in January (Blocks 1, 2 & 3) and July (Blocks 4, 5 and 6).

  1. Block Prorated Payment Plan (BPPP)

     3 Blocks Registration Format

  • First Payment Due at Course Registration - 17% of total tuition invoice plus mandatory fees before Block 1/Block 4 start date.
  • Second Payment - 17% of tuition invoice due in Week 4 (Mon) of the Block 1/Block 4
  • Third Payment - 17% of tuition invoice due one week before Block 2/Block 5 start date.
  • Fourth Payment - 17% of tuition invoice due in Week 4 (Mon) of Block 2/Block 5.
  • Fifth Payment - 17% of tuition invoice due one week before Block 3/Block 6 start date.
  • Final Payment - 15% of tuition invoice due in Week 4 (Mon) of Block 3/Block 6.
  1. Full Payment Plan (FPP)
  • First Payment Due at Course Registration - 100% of total tuition invoice plus mandatory fees due 1 week before classes commence.


NB: A student can change the payment plan before the start of the semester. Thereafter, deadlines are binding for the respective semester or Study Period.



Please note that if a student fails to pay by the respective deadline, they will be discontinued from their course(s). Any fees paid thus far will cover the classes attended to that point and discontinued course (s) would need to be redone at the regular rate or fee.